Wednesday, November 16, 2011

grand pappy jenkins

today is Grand Pappy Jenkins' birthday. i am so thrilled! all day we are going to spend our day at the retirement home knitting and drinking tea. we will also play the most exciting game known to the world BINGO! i have gotten bongo 2 times, in your face Elizabeth the 2. we will inhale oxygen to make our voices high pitched. we will also have a race and go swimming at the children's pool, the deepest pool ever! 2 feet is the deepest i have ever been in, but now we get up to 2 feet and a half! the address is anna savva's house, then we will walk all the way to hanna's house, then to leon's house, then of course meghan's house. it will be classic on all night. please come to fully enjoy our party, we will also be  skinny dipping and streaking to the pool, follow me my scarf lovers! tata see you at the party.

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